Sunday, January 13, 2013

Perencanaan Kolom dan balok

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Kami ada di:

No Hp 081378638978

BaseCamp : Jl Dagang No.15 Sukajadi Pekanbaru

86engineering_Konsultan Sipil

Melayani :

1.Perencanaan  (Hitung + Gambar ) Struktur Bangunan Gedung Meliputi : Atap, Pelat, Balok, Kolom, Pondasi

2.Perencanaan (Hitung + Gambar ) Struktur Tower BTS Meliputi : Profile Baja Per Section, Pondasi

3.Perencanaan  (Hitung + Gambar ) Jalan Meliputi : Geometrik, Alinemen, Tebal perkerasan

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  Desain Balok Dan Kolom by   Andrie Ya

First Step learn for english version

One step did held today. After  month by month doing preparation and review with my lecture to a agree with my thesis. Today, I am doing on januari 12 2013 was presentations with lecturers and examiner, first I am feel nervous about that, because I am doing in the first time. I try to more cool about my self, this is my first conditions in my life. I must confident facing the situation, it will normal again. Sometimes we must suggestion with our self for more good situations. I try and I can result from it. I can doing this step with good if according what I think (hehe). I can explaining about my thesis with audience. I proud with my self but I think I don’t over proud because the road still long and I must to go through it. I must can do it. I have one god, will give what it my needed. My god is very generosity, I believe for that. I will full fight and full doing do the best for make this thesis can be finish on time. I have other job that it is must be my priority in the next time. I can’t enjoy in this time, because I must thinking long forward. I will have one wife. I will have three or four children. And now I am still have my parents that it is my inspiration for thinking with big ideas, big motivations, big confident, big goal and else. I must can give something that it can make they happy and they will say with their god “ thanks for all that is given for me, life is beatiful”. I will very happy if I can achieved my goal. To make happy my parents, mamak and bapak, I will make you achieved that it you can, but because some problems the goal can’t achieved. I promise with my self I can give it for you next time. 2 year is enough for me to realize it. I am need your prayed for me,to dependent with my foot, to be with my first goal, to be  consist with my promise. Waiting me in the next year. I must achieve that. Now, I have not some girl for to be my wife, so I can focus with my goal and this situations is my choose. I try side minor purpose to changed with focus with special goal. I can do it, can do it, must. After this goal achieved, I begun thinking to found one wife to fill my heart and to be my friends forever. I can find one girls that is can make my children to be good person, good morality, good formal educations, good attitude, respect with old people. I not find for me, but I find for childs candidate. My aim is for good in the next time. Good for my family, good for growing my children, good for big family and for all.
Hope all can get achived on time.
Insya allah.

( my first article with engglish version _ I am sorry if any word or sentence that it is not your understand)

Need your help to improve my engglish language, thanks

Friday, January 4, 2013


Pusposutardjo S (1993), menjelaskan angin merupakan gerakan perpindahan massa udara ke arah horizontal seperti halnya suatu vector yang dapat dinyatakan dengan arah dan kecepatan perpindahan. Angin topan merupakan angin kencang yang berkecepatan antara 123 – 135 km/jam yang dapat datang secara tiba-tiba. Pada kecepatan antara 79-91 km/jam kerusakan ringan pada bangunan –bangunan mulai terjadi. Kerusakan dapat makin parah bila kecepatan semakin meningkat. Selain kecepatan dan arah angin, waktu juga menentukan tingkat kerusakan. Bangunan yang diterpa angin dapat rusak karena tumbukan, puntiran dan hisapan. Kerusakan karena tumbukan atau hisapan terjadi bila angin menerpa bangunan dalam arah tegak lurus, sedangkan kerusakan karena puntiran terjadi bila angin yang menerpa berupa siklon / putting beliung, dalam supriyadi (1995).  

Suatu struktur tinggi dengan luas penampang kecil dan dengan rasio yang besar antara tinggi dan lebar maksimum dikenal dengan istilah menara. Menurut fungsinya, menara dikelompokkan menjadi dua, yaitu :
1. Menara dengan beban vertikal yang besar
2. Menara dengan beban angin horizontal (mukhanov,1968)
Kedua jenis menara tersebut memiliki rangka batang vertikal atau menanjak pada sisi – sisinya. Dalam perencanaannya, penampang menara ini dapat berbentuk segitiga, persegi, atau polygon. Kedua jenis menara ini disebut lattice tower.

Contact Me

Kami ada di:

No Hp 081378638978

BaseCamp : Jl Dagang No.15 Sukajadi Pekanbaru

86engineering_Konsultan Sipil

Melayani :

1.Perencanaan  (Hitung + Gambar ) Struktur Bangunan Gedung Meliputi : Atap, Pelat, Balok, Kolom, Pondasi

2.Perencanaan (Hitung + Gambar ) Struktur Tower BTS Meliputi : Profile Baja Per Section, Pondasi

3.Perencanaan  (Hitung + Gambar ) Jalan Meliputi : Geometrik, Alinemen, Tebal perkerasan